Finding that I was pregnant was the biggest catalyst for change and resulted in a complete overhaul of my life. It started a spiritual journey that I’m loving, awakened the entrepreneur in me and gave me focus, drive and determination like never before. Now that’s not to say that it’s not been hard at times. As a single mother, figuring out this mummy malarkey for the very first time was a real shock to the system let me tell you. I am a person thats used to getting things done, that is proactive, always looking to tick the next thing off my list. All that went right out the window when the baby arrived as he took over my days and my life in the most incredible, amazing and joyful way. But along with all that came the sleepless nights, the crying for no discernible reason and the feeling of the days escaping without me somehow! It was only when I learned to reframe this – to add ‘keeping Chase alive’ to my to-do list – that this changed. I would look at this list of all the things I’d wanted to do and be giving myself a hard time about not getting any of it done and then feeling inadequate and hopeless. BUT, the minute I recognised that I’d kept an infant child alive all day – fed him, nurtured him, loved him, responded to his needs and generally bowed to his every need – that I could see just how much I HAD achieved that day. This is surely the most important job of all, and so by adding that to my list of things to-do and being able to tick it off daily, suddenly I wasn’t so unproductive in my mind. I wasn’t ‘achieving nothing’. I was hardcore single-mumming it and I was mighty proud. Once I got my head round that, I was much more able to slot other things in and so I started to play with what I thought I might like to do. 2019 saw me start up 3 online business which of course completely overwhelmed me and I wasn’t able to focus or achieve success in any one area as I was spreading myself to thin and trying to keep on top of everything and it simply didn’t work. I had started up a Virtual Assistant business as I had worked as a PA for very many years in the corporate world so I figured taking this online and working for myself was a natural next step. I conveniently forgot the part where a lot of the tasks felt like a chore and did not make my heart sing! Needless to say, I did not prioritise the pursuit of getting clients as I didn’t really want to do it. It was a kind of ‘reserve’ business, there to help me make money if I needed it in a hurry as I knew that I had fantastic skills and so much experience and I was really good at my job. In addition, I started my own travel agency which I named after my son and was very proud of. I have a real passion for travel, had worked two seasons abroad as a holiday rep and therefore thought this would be the thing that sets my soul on fire. Yes, it did in a way, but truthfully, I didn’t have the patience to keep searching for deals – I found it tedious and long and it just wasn’t me. The third business I had at this time was a network marketing business and I loved this. It really opened my eyes to so many different ideas, techniques, beliefs and ways of working. I love the industry and the people in it, but again, it wasn’t quite the right fit for me at that time. However, it helped me uncover a natural gift for helping people and this is the greatest takeaway for me from that business and has lead me to where I am now… I am an Inspiration Coach for aspiring and newly established mumpreneurs. I have created an exciting 9-week group program which I am launching now to start in August 2020 and will be running this live so that I am present and listening to my clients as they progress through the weeks. Unshakeable Mamas has been designed to help entrepreneurs to get the foundational pieces in places to see huge success; we work on energy, mindset and strategies for success. This program has the power to change lives and it is my joy to be able to help people to rise. By teaching others what I’ve learned, I help them to bypass the pitfalls and make sure they have a good solid foundation upon which to build their dream business, and in fact, their life! I have a heart to serve and so much love. This world is a truly magical place for all who choose to see it that way.